Posted by Karen on September 16, 2001 5:53 PM

I have a sort file that has info in some cells that I want to copy down to blank cells - I want to set it as a loop so it will go to an entry copy and fill then go to the next entry copy and fill in all blank cells untill another entry is found

how can this be automated and used many times on different worksheets and books?

Posted by Ferenc on September 17, 2001 3:31 AM

Do you mean that you have a column with lots of blanks and you want to fill the blanks with the value of the cell above the blanks? If yes, do this :-

- Lets say the range to be filled is A1:A30
- Select A1:A30 and go to Edit>GoTo>Special>Blanks
- Type =A1 and press Ctrl+Enter

That's it. You can use the macro recorder to do a macro.
You will need to adjust the recorded code slightly so that it works on a variable range of cells. Post again with your recorded code if you need help to do this.

Posted by Ferenc on September 17, 2001 3:49 AM

Addendum .....

You should also Copy>PasteSpecial>Values to convert the formulas to values.