Assuming you're using early binding by setting a reference to the Excel object library you could use code like this to refer to a cell's value.
Sub ReferToExcel()
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Temp\Anybook.xls")
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
x = 5
y = 10
'Now reference the cell in the 5th row, 10th column
MsgBox "Row 5, Col 5 value=" & ws.Cells(x, y).Value
wb.Close False
'Quit Excel
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub
Hope this helps,
Thanks Dax, That code looks like just what I need.
I don't understatnd your first line however "
Assuming you're using early binding by setting a reference to the Excel object library you could use code like this to refer to a cell's value. "
Also I'm getting a user function not defined error from the Dim ..... As Excel.Application.
I'm using VB4, could that be the problem ?
Early binding just means that you're referencing the object library of the application in question (in this case Excel) rather than just declaring xlApp as Object and then using the CreateObject function in VB. Early binding will mean your code runs faster and it also means that all the properties and methods of Excel will be available in the drop down boxes as you're coding. To set a reference to Excel choose Project, References and then select Microsoft Excel x.0 Object Library from the list. The version will obviously depend on what version of Excel you have installed on your machine. This will also get rid of the run time error you're experiencing.
That's fantastic, much appreciated, and I've included the Excel object library. It now runs a bit further but gives an OLE Automation error when it gets to opening the file. Specifically Run-Time error "1073741819 (c0000005)'
If you post the code you're using I'd be happy to help sort the problem out.