
Posted by ed on September 18, 2001 8:52 AM

Hi there,

I have question regarding some Excel Sheet. We have a VB program that generated a lot of excel worksheet. The problem that we are facing that when we tried to print the output file (excel file that has lot of worksheets) : that the output are printed incorrectly. For example : some worksheets are printed in different format. I was wondering if do you know what causing this? Thanks so much

Posted by Eric on September 18, 2001 11:04 AM

Printer memory?

If you overload your printer memory you can get some odd errors. Try printing the individual worksheets 1 at a time and see if they give the same error- also try reducing your print resolution- text and numbers still look good at 300 dpi and are readable at 150dpi.

I would start at the very lowest setting you can tolerate (probably 150 dpi) and try printing a single worksheet that's been giving you trouble. If it still doesn't print correctly, then print memory probably is NOT the issue.
Hope that helps

Posted by Dan on September 18, 2001 1:14 PM

Re: Printer memory?

Typically if you run out of printer memory, you will receive an error that it cannot print, but trying to print the sheets one at a time is a good idea. When you say 'different formats', what exactly do you mean? Landscape vs portrait? A lot of print problems can be fixed by reinstalling the printer drivers, what kind of printer are you using?