sorting OLAP pivot tables

Posted by Robin on June 04, 2001 10:15 AM

When I try to sort a regular pivot tables (pulled from a worksheet) by 1 of two data fields, I have no problem. When I try to do the same thing to a pivot tabled created from an OLAP cube, I get the message "Cannot determine which field to sort by".
Am I doing something wrong?
I need to be able to sort this PT created from a cube.

Thanks in advance!

Posted by Mark W. on June 04, 2001 10:36 AM

Are you AutoSorting from the PivotTable Field
Advanced Options dialog or sorint by selecting an
item in the PivotTable and using Data | Sort...
menu command?

Posted by rob on June 04, 2001 11:56 AM

I was using Data | Sort. I have tried using the pivot table advanced dialog now and it works. Thanks.
(I didn't realize you had to click on the row/column header to bring up this advanced autosort dialog, previously I was right-clikcing on the data field.)