Pivot-Nightmare ;-)
Posted by Lukas Weder on January 08, 2002 3:20 PM
I've got a tricky problem. I created a Pivot Table based on an external datasource (MS Access table).I want to create a chart from this Pivot Table which automatically "grows" with the Pivot Table. In the column-field I have the date (by month). So every month my Pivot Table adds a new column with that new month (because of new data entries in the access table). Unfortunately the selection for the chart doesn't "grow" automatically. So I defined names for the date and the data (ex."date" =OFFSET(sheet1!$A$1,0,0,,COUNTA(sheet1!$1:$1)-1)) and tweaked the series to =series(sheet1!date,sheet1!data,1). Unfortunately there are still always problems with updating that chart. Why doesn't it work? Is this a bug in Excel 97? Do you have a solution for this problem?
Thanx a lot for your answer!
Lukas Weder