Naming Columns from a Pivot Table

Posted by DAS on September 06, 2001 1:55 PM

I am pulling data from a pivot table that will be refreshed with new data every few hours. The columns that are in that pivot table usually remain consistent, but on occassion there will be a new column(or lack of one of the old ones) that appears. Now when I attempt to pull that data, it is from the wrong column because of me labeling ranges (ex A1:A5000). Can I pull from my data range by labeling the columns in the pivot table or are they already labeled? If they are already labeled, how do I pull from them?

This is in relation to my last post.

Thanks all again.

Posted by Barrie Davidson on September 06, 2001 2:11 PM

Have you tried using the GETPIVOTDATA function? If you need any help with this, just let me know.


Posted by DAS on September 07, 2001 7:56 AM

Can you give me a basic run down on that function?


Posted by Barrie Davidson on September 07, 2001 8:18 AM

Das, the best way to understand is to search via Excel's help (I'm afraid I'll just butcher the explanation). Go to the Help|Contents & Index and search for GETPIVOTDATA Worksheet Function in the Index tab. It provides a good explanation with examples. If you need any further help just let me know.

BarrieBarrie Davidson