Format Text in a Pivot Table

Posted by Malc on April 13, 2001 4:53 PM

I have a pivot table that summarises values against longish Labels. The Pivot works fine except the text is too long to fit in a viewable column width. I wrote a macro to wrap text and fix the column width by clicking a button but every time a page field is changed the column width changes and the wrap text formating dispears. Is there in option in the pivot table to wrap text/format cells and maintain it? Like the number formats etc.Have tried enable selection etc. doesn't make any difference.

Posted by Dave Hawley on April 13, 2001 10:40 PM

Hi Malc

Is the "Preserve Formatting" option under "Pivot Table Options" checked ? If not, check it.


OzGrid Business Applications

Posted by Mark W. on April 14, 2001 1:53 PM

Malc, setting the "Preserve formatting" PivotTable
Format option isn't prescriptive by itself. You
also must set Enable Selection by right-clicking
on your PivotTable and choosing the "Select
Enable Selection" command. Once you've done this
you must right-click on the PivotTable once again
and choose the "Select Label" command. Now you
can select the desired field label, and apply the
Alignment Wrap text format. I should also mention
that prior to performing these steps you may want
to temporarily set all PAGE fields to "(All)".
If you don't your applied formatting will only be
established for the existing settings. For more
on this see the Excel Help topic for "Format a
PivotTable". Hope this helps!

Posted by David Hawley on April 14, 2001 8:00 PM

Mark, Perhaps you could write some VBA for this one as well :o)