Drop downs & Pivot Tables

Posted by Melanie on December 06, 2001 8:32 AM

Hi all!

I'm working on a project where we are making pivot tables that have drop down boxes where the user selects what items they want to see.

What we would like to do is limit the sub-categories that show up to items that actually contain data.

For instance, let's say that the user can choose between the main categories Apples and Oranges.

The sub categories are Red Delicious, Green, Navel, and Florida.

When the User selects "Apples" for the main category, I'd like the sub categories "Red Delicious" and "Green" to show up as choices for the next drop down, but the other NOT to show up.

Can this be done? Thanks SO much for your help :)

Take care,

Posted by Melanie on December 06, 2001 9:56 AM

Please help me if you can!!

Pretty please! Even with sugar on top?

Posted by Hansoh on December 06, 2001 12:08 PM

your pivot tables should have created PAGE FIELDS in the upper-left hand corner of your spreadsheet (i.e, grey bars, drop down list box, etc.)

double click on the grey bar. a window will pop up.

near the bottom of the window is a field called HIDE ITEMS. select/deselect items that you want hidden/unhidden. unhidden fields will NOT show up in the drop down list box.

i believe this is what you're looking for. otherwise, post again and someone else may be able to help you.
