Hyperlink in combinination with IF statement

Posted by Maarten on January 16, 2002 11:56 AM

Here's my problem:

I've made a list for different names, what I want is:
If I pick a certain name, Excel automatically moves to another cell in a other sheet. I tried a Hyperlink in a IFstatement but it won't work. Is there someone who can help?


Posted by Chris D on January 16, 2002 1:35 PM

You can insert your list of hyperlinks, pointing to particular places in other sheets, as normal

then you just over-write the hyperlink description with a name

add formatting if you want it to not look like an underlined blue hyperlink

is this what you had in mind ?

Posted by Maarten Z on January 20, 2002 7:06 AM

In my list there a 10 buildings to show; like "Building A" etc. I've created for each building a hyperlink. I select the collum, data validation, list. But when you select in the list a building, Excel turns the color in black en there is no link.

I though this is what you ment, but it is possible that I didn't understand it right, I'm just a 21 Dutch boy!