activate worksheet from cell of another worksheet in same workbook

Posted by hb on August 19, 2001 10:03 PM

I have a spreadsheet with rows of data and one of the column cells on each row represents a worksheet with expanded notes relevent only to the contact information on that row.

how can i activate (open up) an excel worksheet from within a cell of another already activated worksheet (both worksheets located in the same workbook? I want to be able to select a cell on a worksheet and have it open up (activate) a specific worksheet pertainent only to the cell.

Posted by P Srinivas on August 20, 2001 1:39 AM

To open Sheet2 when you click on a cell in Sheet1. If I have understood your problem correctly, please do the following.
Open the file, and go to the cell where you want the 'Hyperlink". Then from click from menu Insert->Hyperlink. In the ensuing box, click on 'Place in this document:'. You will see the list of all sheets of the workbook. Click on the appropriate one and also type the cell no. if required in the box above. Click Ok and you got it. The original cell will be in blue colour. Click on it.