Visual Basic .Net

Posted by Jake Simmons on February 15, 2002 4:18 AM

I would class myself a sbeing a basic Visual Basic programmer, and I am pretty good with VBA (With some help from this handy website!). My question is that I would simply like to know peoples opinion on the impact that Visaul Basic .Net will have to the way in which we use Excel, Word etc, and what possibilities people can see opening up in the near future.

Posted by Ivan F Moala on February 15, 2002 5:28 AM

All I can say is that you will have to do
some major rewrites for all your codes....where
as going from xl97 - was not too much of a change
VBnet has some major changes/ambiguity eg.
In VB.NET the proposed size of Integer is 32 bit, whereas in VB5/6 it is 16 bit. This causes an incompatibility with existing code, and introduces a new ambiguity. Because the keyword is redefined, from the declaration alone it is impossible to tell the size of the variable, and is likely to lead to confusion in many cases.

An array declared as Dim x(5) has 5 elements in VB.NET, whereas in VB6 it has 6 elements ( ie using option base to set the lower base to 0 or 1). This creates an incompatibility with existing code. If the Dim x(a To b) style was included in VB.NET, then there would be a consistant way of declaring arrays in VB5/6 and VB.NET. I believe
VB.NET is more of an object-oriented programming language then VB5/6, not sure how this pans out
but it can only be good. Coding I believe is a little
more intuiative.........


having said that...I'm sure that VBnet offers
a lot's just that there will be
a lot of rewriting of your fav. applications.
So.....another learning curve to climb and more
compatibilty issues to resolve.

Posted by ElGaali A. Ahmed on April 10, 2002 12:19 AM