Try playing with the operation order to force Excel to perform the calculations as you intend, not at it wants to. Excel uses Addition then multiplication then powers, so group your operations with ( ). JSW
If your dataset is small enough could you post it so that we can have a go at it? Maybe post it even if it isn't small (just as long as its not like 3,000 points or so. LOL)
I would really appreciate it if you gave it a try -- Should I just copy the two columns of data (approx. 100 points) into this comment window?
Denise ,
Tried it. Didn't work. Any other suggestions?
Thanks for your help.
I think I've figured out the problem -- the $ values may be interpreted as labels instead of values in the graph. I did not use a uniform scale in generating the sample data, and the scale does not appear to have been adjusted in the excel graph.
I don't know how to fix this, but progress has been made.
Unless you've completely figured out the problem, you can post the data anyway. Ya never know what someone here might be able to figure out. And, yes, just pasting it in to the comment box should be ok.
Not sure exactly about your "scale" comment. To my way of thinking, anything you could do regrding the scale should not affect the equation of the fit curve.
I think I've figured out the problem -- the $ values may be interpreted as labels instead of values in the graph. I did not use a uniform scale in generating the sample data, and the scale does not appear to have been adjusted in the excel graph. I don't know how to fix this, but progress has been made.