Subtracting Times

Posted by Nick on December 20, 2000 7:07 AM

Excel will subtract two times but cannot show a negative time, that will later on be added to another time in order to reduce it? How can you show a negative time or a loss in time?

Posted by bob on December 20, 2000 8:43 AM

Posted by celia c on December 20, 2000 3:22 PM

Also, have a look at the following for two other possible solutions :-

Posted by Kelvin on December 20, 2000 9:54 PM

Have you thought about using time in it's decimal format? Or under under Format, Cells, Time use 37:30:55 (Excel 97). Either way it will add and subtract. It will not show negative times but you can use IF arguments to determine (=IF(A3 > A4,...,...)if it's a negative number or not. Then use other cells (one for a negative value, one for a positive value) to complete your formula - add or subtract depending on the what if.

After the initial entry, you can put a =(cell) where you can convert to one of the above formats. After completing your calcualtions, use an =(cell), convert it to the format you need.