## #### Problems

Posted by Wes Lavin on October 12, 2000 8:39 AM

On occasion when I load my worksheet (Excel-Office 97) I get columns that look similar to this “ ## ######” or “### ######”. It doesn’t have to do with column width. Please note that I have spaces between the pound signs and they are configured differently, depending on the cell in the column. Has anyone had this happen? What causes it? How do I fix it?

Thank you,
Wes Lavin

Posted by Ben O. on October 12, 2000 9:07 AM

I use Excel 2000 and get a similar problem (although I'm not sure about the space between the #s). It might have to do with how far you're zoomed out. If you've got your spreadsheet view below 80%, Excel will sometimes decide that it can't diplay the numbers clearly and therefore just display # symbols. It happens all the time when I've got my monitor resolution set to 1024 x 768, and very rarely when I have it at 1280 x 1024.
