Printing Comments
Posted by David Achterberg on January 30, 2002 9:44 PM
This is a repost, since it seems to have gotten lost in this board.
I have done a fairly extensive search for this on the web (and on this site's archives), so unless I overlooked something I cannot find what I want.
I am in the process of re-vamping our office timesheet, partly to learn more about Excel and partly because the thing needs improvement.
For some jobs, each team member needs to keep a detailed daily list of what was done by him/her. I am trying to create a worksheet so that a short description could be entered, but that will balloon into several pages being printed if I create a description for every project, every day, for up to two weeks. So I hit upon the idea of using Comments, which will work perfectly for this situation, except (and here is the question (finally!), How can I format the printing of the comments (which I will set up to print at the end) to include the Project Name (already on the worksheet) and Date (already on the worksheet) of the cell the comment was entered in, along with the comment? Something like:
Project Name:Date:Comment
The Project Name, Date and Comment are all on the same worksheet.
Any ideas? Anyone can reply directly to me as well as the message board.
Thanks for any help.