You're probably selecting a cell range (i.e., A1:A3),
copying it... and then attempting to paste it into
a text box. A cell range isn't a text object so
the Paste command is ghosted (non-functional). If
you need the contents of A1:A3 entered into your
text box...
1. Select an unused cell, and type an equal sign (=)
2. Select the cells whose contents you want to
enter into the text box, and copy from the formula bar
3. Paste into your text box
2. Select the cells whose contents you want to enter
into the text box, press Ctrl+=, and copy from the
formula bar
Hi Dano
If by "text block" you mean textbox. You could also, select a cell, or cells and holding down the Shift key go to Edit>Copy Picture, then paste this somewhere.
OzGrid Business Applications
Dave & Mark,
Thanks for the help... Yes I do mean textbox. Mark, I was able to use your procedure except the info I was copying was derived from an Autofiltered list. I could not select individual cells by holding CTRL... it asked for a #Value. Otherwise, it pasted the entire "Through" range. Dave, I couln't for the life of me find "Edit>Copy Picture". But, thanks for the help anyhow! :)
Hi Dano
For the "Copy Picture" to be available under Edit, you must be holding down the Shift key.
OzGrid Business Applications