New Windows Within Workbooks

Posted by Eric on January 27, 2001 8:58 AM

If you click on the "Window" dropdown menu, the first option
is to create a new window within the spreadsheet. I accidentally
chose this option and would like to delete the additional
window I created but cannot figure out how to delete it.
Can anyone help me with this?

Many thanks in advance!



Posted by Mark W. on January 27, 2001 10:11 AM

Just close it.

Posted by John L. on January 27, 2001 1:58 PM

Eric, if you saved the file after creating the new window
then, even if you close the file and reopen it, the
two windows will remain.

So, to get rid of the extra one:
Left click on the small Excel icon just to the left
of the FILE pull-down menu and select CLOSE
Alternately, just hit Ctrl-W