Multiple excel books into one with multiple tabs automatically?

Posted by Tommy Bolden on April 06, 2000 12:12 PM

Question is. How can I import several Excel work books into one excel file with multiple tabs? Problem is I have about ten excel files that I now need to put into one excel file without having to cut and paste each one. Does someone know how to write a .bat file or script to do this?

Posted by Tom Morales on April 07, 2000 11:28 AM

Sidestepping your question, it isn't too hard to move sheets from one workbook to another. You don't have to cut and paste. Have the source and target workbooks open. Select the first tab of a workbook you want to move. Right-click it, and select "Select all Sheets". Then go to "Edit/Move or Copy Sheets". A mouse-click or two later, all the sheets are moved (or copied, if you so choose) to the target workbook.

You can probably do that faster than most people could write and debug a macro to accomplish the same.