"Missing" sheet!

Posted by Martin Maatman Oonk from Holland on January 28, 2002 4:36 AM

Dear Mr. Excel,

I'm going stir crazy!!!

If I record a macro in my Personal MacroWorkbook I get:
VBAProject (Persnlk.xls).

Then I get Microsoft Excel objects en Modules,
in Microsoft Excel objects there is the sheet:
Sheet1 (Sheet1).

Where is that sheet in Excel???
I see it in the VB-editor, but I don't see it in Excel!
How can I type data on this sheet.

Will you help me and know you can!

Best regards,

Martin J.A. Maatman Oonk

Posted by Ivan F Moala on January 28, 2002 4:42 AM

By default your Persnlk.xls file is hidden from view.
To view it goto Window > Unhide
Select the Persnlk.xls file here to unhide it.

