Importing an HTML file from the intranet

Posted by Allan Ravitch on May 12, 2000 8:50 PM

Does anyone know how I can setup a macro in my Excel 97 workbook so that it will automatically import an html page directly to my worksheet when I click on a button? I need the worksheet to name and save itself as "Days".



Posted by Allan on May 14, 2000 7:22 PM

I found a page on microsoft's developer's page that gives me so information but I'm not sure how to setup the query for it....anyone with some experience out there?????


Posted by Allan on May 18, 2000 8:09 AM

Ok, this may be a tough question or perhaps no one was interested. But, it was nice to process this over myself and through it I learned how to do it myself... There is a web query wizard in Excel97 which comes with some built in queries. I used word pad to open the files to see the code and edited one so that it went to a specific site on my intranet at work. You can do this for any html page on the web also. Then I saved it as a text document and closed it and renamed it with an "iqy" extension so I could select that file when I was setting up my web query on the MS Excel97 wizard. From there I ran the query and it worked! It connected to the web and pulled the page I needed in a few seconds timeframe. Lots of possibilities this will bring for me at work since we keep all our reports on our intranet.
