I have multiple users accessing one addin and I need to manage this properlt

Posted by adam on May 08, 2001 6:24 AM

So heres the deal

Everyone has spreadsheet that all point to an addin on a shared drive. on the open event of the workbook, it calls the addins "CreateMenu" procedure and on the close of the workbook, it calls the "DeleteMenu" Procedure

So heres the question:

What is a better policy because I am going to be changing the addin all the time , upgrading etc...

Do I

1. Reference the addin in the spreadsheet under tools addin and implicitly call the CreateMenu and DeleteMenu procedures

2. Dont reference the addin and hard code the path on the open event such as S:/Addin/Addin.xla!CreateMenu

3. What is the better way to manage one addin with muliple users where i will be upgrading all the time ??



Posted by Kevin James on May 08, 2001 8:14 AM


Hello Adam,

I need to prefice this by saying that currently I work as a server admin/systems manager. My first love is and always will be programming. I have a fews experience in working with Excel, but after seeing some of the questions posted on MrExcel, I am humbled by the expertise that is out there.

As a support person to some who have implemented shared workbooks on our servers, I can tell you it has been a nightmare. Now your question adds a different level of complexity. I gather that you are not as concerned about network impact as you are about managing the module.

The questions you need to ask yourself are:
1. Does either of the two scenarios you pose affect the user's ability to use the module while you are modifying it?
2. Does one or the other of the two scenarios you pose cause any extra lagtime (load time, network traffic) than does the other?

Unless someone visiting MrExcel is savvy both in network admin and in Excel deployment over the network, I don't think you'll find an authortative answer here.

So here is your chance to become the master and tell us. Try both scenarios and see if user's complain one way or the other.


Posted by ADAM on May 09, 2001 1:20 PM

Re: Considerations


I found a great web site for this exact requirement:

its www.decisionmodels.com

I guy by the name of Charles Williams has built a little addin that can manage the versioning of addin over a small network. Definately check this out because I know it is very useful to me.

