"Flight Simulator?"

Posted by Alan Walker on December 21, 1999 1:18 AM

Sorry to be trivial, but I suppose it's the right time of the year.
I'm told that there is a "Flight Simulator" hidden somewhere in Excel. Is this true and how can I find it?
Many thanks, and a Merrry Christmas to all.

Posted by Chris on December 21, 1999 6:21 AM

InExcel97, Exit the program, and the restart it. Open a new workbook. Press
F5 top open the "Goto" dialog box. Enter "X97:L97". This will select the
range L97:X97. Hit your tab key. Now hold down the CTRL key and SHIFT key
and click the Chart Wizard button.

Posted by Josie on January 19, 2000 9:12 AM

Hey Chris

Great !!!

What about goodies hidden in Word ???