Posted by David on February 12, 2002 10:01 AM

Everytime I open excel, it opens another instance of excel. How can I change so that the excel program is only opened once?

Posted by david on February 12, 2002 10:15 AM

Everytime I open excel file, it opens another instance of excel. How can I change so that the excel program is only opened once?

Posted by Juan Pablo G. on February 12, 2002 11:48 AM

There can be two things.

One, you're using Excel 2000 or XP, and you have checked the "Windows In Task Bar" option, in the General Tab, in the Options Menu.

Two, you have checked the "Ignore Other Applications", (Can also appear as "Ignore Remote Requests", not sure), in the same window (General Tab, in Options).

Juan Pablo G.

Posted by David S on February 13, 2002 6:21 AM


Thanks. However, I did not have "IGNORE OTHER APPS" checked. Is it important?