Disabling Macros in Excel from Command line

Posted by Patterson on October 26, 2000 1:38 PM


How can I disable macros from the command line when I open an Excel workbook.
Also I need to disable a splash screen that comes up when I open a wrookbook.

I would really appreciate it if anyone can give me some hints.



Posted by Ivan Moala on October 27, 2000 4:18 AM

I don't beleive there is a command line switch to
do this ??
The only way I know of to do this is to have a
xls loader that will not function if the disable macro is selected @ load time. This loader file
will then disable the macro warning display via
changing the Registry entry for the Disable macro
warning. All files loaded after this will not
display the Macro warning. This can be dangerous
if abused and used for Viruses.....I can think of
a number of things to do via VBA and API's to
wreck havoc with a users computer system.......

