custom toolbar

Posted by Carl L. Medus on September 26, 2001 7:02 AM

Okay, so here's the problem. I know how to customize the excel toolbar. I've added lots of custom buttons with assigned macros. This saves lots of steps/keystrokes. So, here's the problem: how do I keep these custom buttons up there; or, if I lose 'em, how can I easily restore them?

I spent a lot of time customizing my toolbar and for days everything worked great. Then today I open excel twice, got jammed up, closed through control alt delete and now all my toolbar settings are back at default. Any answers out there?


Posted by Russell Hauf on September 26, 2001 7:18 AM

I suggest making your own toolbar(s). So basically copy the stuff off of Excel's toolbar(s) that you want, then adding your custom buttons/menu items. Then just close Excel's toolbar(s) and dock your own where you want them. They should open up every time you open Excel (mine do).

(If you don't know how to create a new toolbar, just go to Customize - however you get there now, and on the toolbars tab is a New button. Go from there. If you want to copy buttons from the Standard toolbar, just hold down Ctrl while you are dragging the button. I named my Standard toolbar rhStandard and then just closed Excel's Standard toolbar).

Hope this helps,
