
Posted by Russell Hughes on April 24, 2001 1:50 PM

I often use Excel as a large table. In some cases, I will remove hundreds of the lines that I don't need at a particular time. However, when I use Control-Home to go to the end of the document, this takes me to the original end of the document and not the end of my new last record. Is there a way to ensure that Control-Home will not take me to the original end of the file? My tables sometime exceed several thousand lines and this is not very efficient.

Posted by Dax on April 24, 2001 1:54 PM

When you delete the rows, delete the rows themselves, don't just highlight the rows and press delete. This will ensure that the used range only contains your data and that the Ctrl-End or Home work properly....

Posted by Dave Hawley on April 24, 2001 3:12 PM

Hi Russell

If you follow my link to my Website then go to "VBA Tips and Tricks" you see will a macro that takes you to the "true" last cell that you could assign to a shortcut key.

There is also a brief explanation as to why Ctrl+End and Edit>Go to-Special-Last Cell ae not relaible.

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