Column Width
Posted by Mike B on January 18, 2002 12:05 PM
I don't know if anyone else has encountered this but I'm having trouble with column widths. If I change a column, then save the file, close the file and re-open the file. The column width will be at 8.43 instead of the 10 that I specified. There are also times when I do the same thing and then the column widths of other colums have been changed when I re-open it. The widths are always smaller, never bigger.
I don't have a clue as to why this is happening but it is getting very old. I have my print options set at 100% and not fit to page so it can't be that. I also have my view set at 100%. I don't know if it's in my preferences or what but any help would be greatly appreciated.
8.43 when I want to be a 10!