It sounds like a command button you are looking at. Right click on the button and click Properties, or click the Properties icon (a finger-pointing hand superimposed over a document) from the Control Toolbox toolbar. From there you should be able to adjust the size, color, etc.
Tom Urtis
I know that but do you know how to do this automatically? So I won't have to do it myself all the time but that it will adjust when pressing a button? Thanks!
It's the same, supose you have a button named CommandButton1, in a macro you could do this:
Sub ChangeProp()
With CommandButton1
.Caption = "New Caption"
.Left = .Left + 50
.Top = 1
'And so on...
End With
Juan Pablo
If you need to do this as part of creating a set of buttons from scratch, hopefully this code is what you are looking for; otherwise you've lost me.
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", Link:=False _
, DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=128.25, Top:=141, Width:=72, Height:= _
Tom Urtis