cell function

Posted by Rob Margolis on October 16, 2000 2:43 PM

I am using the cell formula [=cell("filename")]to insert the name of my worksheet. The problem is it does not auto update. For example, I have at cell a3 location to insert the name of the worksheet. When I go from worksheet a to worksheet b, cell a3 still says worksheet a.

Posted by Ivan Moala on October 17, 2000 1:06 AM

As an alternative working method try this.
Click on Insert.....click Name then Define.

In the diaolog box @ top type in the defined name
as Sh (or anything else you wish to call this
defined name)
In the refers to entry type;

The get.documnet(76) command is an Excel4 command
that returns the name of the active sheet or macro sheet in the form [Book1]Sheet1.

Now in your sheets type in a cell =Sh
This will give you your sheetname and auto
update. The Now()function wil cause this to calculate automatically.

