You will need cells to hold your data:
Nunber of years payments will be made. {Years}
Number of payments per year. {Frequency}
Yearly interest. {i}
Future value.(Amount you want to total to.) {FV}
Payment at begining of period [0] or end of period [1]. {Type}
Payment(The amount you need to deposit each payment.) {PMT}
In the formula below you can reference the data cell locations or named ranges.
=PMT(i, n, PV, FV, Type)
where n = (Years x frequency)or[Years*frequency]
That should give you what you want!
Note: PV should be negative and your result [PMT] will be as well, all other values will be positive for the proper indicated cash flow. JSW
Note2: "i" will need to be adjusted for the "frequency" of payments or the compounding period. So, if you do this for 10 years with semiannual payments in an investment with 6% interest compunded semiannually, then: n=10*2=20 and i=6/2=3. JSW
The correct "Type" is 0=End and 1=Begining of period, sorry I got this backwards in the other notes. JSW : Payment(The amount you need to deposit each payment.) {PMT} : In the formula below you can reference the data cell locations or named ranges. : =PMT(i, n, PV, FV, Type)
Thanks Joe, but i cant seem to get it right,
I have entered the no. of months, the interest rate, the present value as 0 and the future value as 15000, but it gives the result as -£42.42, which dosnt seem to add up, any ideas on what im doing wrong?
Thanks for your advice