In my tests (In '97) i think i found out that data validation doesn't accept UDF's, is this correct ?
Anyway, here's what I did.
First, the NoNumbers UDF, to strip any characters out of the string (Can be adapted to include $,%,& and anything else), and second, the MyCondition UDF, which is basically the same formula that has been around, but in VBA.
I assumed the data was gonna be entered in Column A. I enter in ColumnB
=MyCondition(A2) and drag down. 'This could be done directly in Validation, but didn't work, avoiding the extra column...
Now, select Column A, go to Data, Validation and put as condition
That worked..
Juan Pablo G.
'Code here...
Function NoNumbers(Rng As Range) As String
Dim T As String
Dim i As Byte
T = Rng.Value
For i = 0 To 9
T = Application.Substitute(T, i, "")
Next i
NoNumbers = T
End Function
Function MyCondition(Rng As Range) As Boolean
MyCondition = (Len(Rng) > 2) * (Len(Rng) < 7) * (Len(Rng) = Len(NoNumbers(Rng))) * (InStr(1, Rng, UCase(Rng), 0) = 1)
End Function