Which uses less memory...INDIRECT() or OFFSET()?!?

Posted by Hansoh on February 07, 2002 1:45 PM

i am building a spreadsheet that allows a user to retrieve data from numerous sources...all the sources will be external files.

i am debating whether to use an =INDIRECT(reference to external file) function or an =OFFSET(reference to external file) function.

1st of all, which uses less memory? (or should i be more worried about which takes less space?) basically, which function is more efficient?

secondly, is what i'm contemplating (i.e, the issue of INDIRECT vs. OFFSET) so far offbase (i.e, the 2 should NEVER be considered as substitutes for each other) that you're thinking i have no idea what i'm doing? i'm fairly new to the OFFSET function. please advise. much thanks in advance...


Posted by Jacob on February 07, 2002 5:48 PM


Offset might use less memory since it would look at whatever the offset was refering to whereas the indirect would have to first look at the indirect reference then calculate the new referance based on that value. In practicle terms I dont really think it would matter which one you used though.

