WEEKNUM function not working with Windows 98?

Posted by Riikka on November 05, 2001 11:07 PM

I have a problem about the WEEKNUM function. It is working correctly with computers that have Windows NT and Office 97, but not with computers which have Windows 98 and Office 97. How could I get it working with 98 or is that possible anyhow? "Weeknum" IS listed in functions available, and all possible add-ins are in use, but still it doesn't work.

Posted by Robb on November 06, 2001 1:48 AM


I run Office97 on Win98 and WEEKNUM works perfectly, so it must be the setup.

You say you have all addins, but just check you have Analysis Toolpak as I think it is required
for WEEKNUM. Also, ensure the date you input is in the correct format for your setup.

If none of this works, what does WEEKNUM return?


Posted by Robb on November 06, 2001 1:49 AM


I run Office97 on Win98 and WEEKNUM works perfectly, so it must be the setup.

You say you have all addins, but just check you have Analysis Toolpak as I think it is required
for WEEKNUM. Also, ensure the date you input is in the correct format for your setup.

If none of this works, what value does WEEKNUM return?


Posted by Riikka on November 06, 2001 2:32 AM

Hi Robb,

We have been wondering the situation too; every computer which has Win98 and Office97 has problems with the WEEKNUM function here. Yes, Analysis toolpak is installed (in fact we noticed that WEEKNUM doesn't work in WinNT without it - but installing it doesn't help in Win98).

The date format is quite weird: ddMMMyyyy (e.g. 06Nov2001), but it doesn't help to put some more simple date formats.

The value returned is just #VALUE! I wonder where to get even a clue to solving the problem?

Posted by Juan Pablo on November 06, 2001 4:28 AM

Just to make sure also, is the Win98 version of Excel in english ? Excel has a lot of problems "translating" formulas from add-ins.

Juan Pablo

Posted by Mark W. on November 06, 2001 6:22 AM

One meaning of the #VALUE! error is that the
value (i.e., "06Nov2001") that you're using
as its argument is text when a numeric value
is expected. I'm betting that if you reference
the cell containing your date with the ISTEXT
worksheet function (e.g., =ISTEXT(A1)) that
it'll return TRUE.

Posted by Robb on November 07, 2001 1:25 AM


I just tried to replicate the #VALUE error and could only do so if I entered the
date in an incorrect format for my system.

Perhaps if you try a few different formats you may strike it lucky. I would suggest
trying, for instance:
=WEEKNUM("06 NOV 2001")
ETC (and don't forget the "")

Any luck?

