VLOOKUP & other lookup functions: A proposal to MicroSoft
Posted by Aladin Akyurek on April 02, 2001 6:59 AM
The proposal that follows applies also to other lookup functions.
1. When the lookup value is not available in the lookup range VLOOKUP should return "" instead of #N/A, a result where =ISBLANK(result) is TRUE.
Two reasons:
a) Almost all users appear to want such behavior from this function, whence =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP-formula),"",VLOOKUP-formula).
b) #N/A is not an error value as the others are (like #DIV/0!, #VALUE!).
2. A richer syntax for VLOOKUP like
{} means optional; the default value for 5th argument is a blank ("").
ADVANTAGE: No more "compute twice".
What do you think?
Note. I hope Mark too (Mark W, that is) will comment.