Posted by Chuck L. on February 05, 2001 12:00 PM

Thanks! Well, I’m now getting an “N/A” response… so I guess I’m close(er). Since I’m really running out of time on this one here’s what I have.

My formula is in column 15 of Worksheet 1 of the spreadsheet. I want to match the data that is in column 3, and the data in column 13 (all on the same row). The information that I want is on Worksheet 2 column 6 of the same spreadsheet. The ‘matching data’ in Worksheet 2 is in columns 2 and 5 (ref: worksheet 1 columns 3 & 13)

I never quite got there with this formula, did I?



Posted by cpod on February 05, 2001 2:15 PM

If I understood what you want, try this:


this is an array function.

Posted by Celia on February 05, 2001 4:12 PM


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