Posted by Marion on January 23, 2002 5:29 AM

I understand the VLOOKUP function but I am having a problem.

I want the VLOOKUP formula to find an exact match, therefore, I am adding
the FALSE parameter for the range_lookup.

If an exact match is found, I get the correct answer. Fine.
If an exact match cannot be found, the #N/A error is returned. Fine.

If an exact match is found, I want to see it.
If an exact match is not found, I do not want to see #N/A.

I tried using a conditional formula to error.type to
So I wrote the formula for "error.type = 7"
However, I then get "#N/A" when the answer is found as well as when the answer is not found.

Any suggestions?


Posted by Chris Brown on January 23, 2002 5:48 AM


I do this by using conditional formatting to make the font colour white on the non-matching cells. That way, the #N/A is still there, but you don't see it.


Posted by Marion on January 23, 2002 6:08 AM

I figured it out from reading messages about Conditional Formatting (nft)