Vertical Lookup

Posted by D Dybala on July 07, 2001 6:15 PM

I would like to use the vertical lookup command to link information between two different files. Can you give me some instructions on how to do this. In particular what is the syntax to use. Thanks for any help.

Posted by steve w on July 07, 2001 8:23 PM

c8 is the lookup value
[your_file_name.xls]PRICE'!$D$4:$G$14 is the range in the other file to lookup
3 means the data is in the third column
the 1st column is the data your matching it to
and false means exact match
hopr this helps some
steve w
heres a hint
write the formula by using the paste function have both workbooks open. Put formula in the book you want then use the refedit box to highlight range for each value, if the range is in another file just select that file while writing formula.
hope this isn't tto confusing