#VALUE! Error Message from Formula Referencing a Blank Cell

Posted by Ted Dankovich on December 13, 2001 12:17 PM

I'm using Excel 2000 to create a monthly financial consolidation worksheet. The source data is created from an Excel worksheet that imports data from a Unix software application.

If there is no source data in a cell from the extract, then the cell is "blank" (similar to using the spacebar to populate the cell). I use the ISERROR function to satisfy formula the first referenced cell that calls the extract data (with 0 as the first criteria if the original cell is blank) Using 0 does not create a number format or populate the field, it remains blank. Otherwise I get the value from the extract data source,which populates the data into my analysis correctly....

Now I want to Sum the data to create totals. When I sum the data fields, if a "blank" field exists I get the #VALUE! error message. I've tested the formats to find that I need to remove the format from the source data (written by a 3rd party developer).

I need to identify a formula function that will either ignore the "blank" format and sum the remaining cells or a macro to reformat the "blank" imported cells without disturbing the other data.

I am automating this to be a monthly process, so a manual re-format will not be an option.

Please e-mail any suggestions that will resolve this issue. Thanks!

Posted by Gary on December 13, 2001 12:25 PM

You could use an array formula along the lines of =sum(if(Sum_range="",0,Sum_range)).


Posted by Ted on December 13, 2001 12:34 PM

Re: #VALUE! Error Message - Array Formula

Great Idea Gary, but didn't work. The data I want to sum is not in continuous rows. I tried to sum the individual cells in your formula, still got the #VALUE! result. Added IF(ISERROR... function and only got a 0 as a result. Need sum of data.

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on December 13, 2001 12:45 PM

Ted --

Normally, a cell containing an ordinary space or an empty cell shouldn't cause a #VALUE! error, becasue SUM will ignore such a cell.

Care to post the formula that you use?


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on December 13, 2001 1:13 PM

Re: #VALUE! Error Message - Array Formula

Tedd --

I don't understand what you mean by "not in continuous rows". However, would you check whether the following will work?


Adapt the range to your situation.

And, would you evaluate the following formula next to a cell that gives the trouble?




Posted by Ted on December 13, 2001 1:20 PM

Re: #VALUE! Error Message - Formula Used

Here's the formula:

IF(ISERROR(+e11+e16+e29)="",0,+e11+e16+e29)where e29 formula is IF(ISERROR(+WK1!d45),0,+WK1!d45).

In this example, e29 returns a blank cell resulting from WK1!d45 being a blank cell.

If I clear the format in WK1!d45 or place a number in WK1!d45, then the formulas return the correct answer.


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on December 13, 2001 1:44 PM

Re: #VALUE! Error Message - Formula Used

> IF(ISERROR(+e11+e16+e29)="",0,+e11+e16+e29)where e29 formula is IF(ISERROR(+WK1!d45),0,+WK1!d45).

I think the following formula should simply work.


where e19 is simply =WK1!d45 if this WK1 cell is numeric or otherwise contains a space as you stated earlier.

You can check what is in WK1!d45 when it's non-numeric by using


