Validation of Data
Posted by Robert Dorr on September 06, 2001 12:13 AM
I am having trouble understanding why sometimes my data validation settings don't work in a User Form I am trying to create.
First: Can the result of a cell which contains a formula relying on other cells be validate itself by the promting of a "Stop" message if the result is outside of limits (lets say the result is a negative and only positive results are acceptable.) I can't anything to show up when trying to validate that cell by an "If" formula in the formula validation box.
Second (and related to above): Can a cell in which you are inputting data, and such data is being used in an adjacent cell by a formula, be validated by reference to the result in the adjacent cell. This is a bit of a loop but I can't get my head around it.
ie: I wish to input data into cells A1 to D1. Cell E1 contains a formula =(A1-B1-C1-D1). The cells are being data filled in the order of A1 to D1.
I want to validate E1 ,if it is negative, by a stop to "check entries made in A1:D1"
or validate individually B1:D1 if they, upon entry, produce a negative result in E1?
Thanks & regards........ Robert