Care to post 10 rows data along with the expected result(s)? In order to do that, activate an empty cell, type the =-sign, then select 10 rows of data including column headings if any, and hit control+shift+enter. Go the formula bar, select the formula and hit F9. Copy what you see and paste it in the follow-up.
=-{"CR EQ AC 100","CR EQ AC 50","CR EQ AC 75","CR EQ ACCT","CS W PVECA85","CS W PVENCAP","CS WP EGP 50","CS WP EGP 75";9,6,14,3,6,1,5,2;12,2,3,2,2,9,2,2}
I am trying to find a way to just search for "CR EQ AC" (I left in an example of another fund) and sum the first row below, then sum the second, and I will continue this for many more. I will end up searching through 48 columns and 45 rows of data below each fund name. I have been trying if/count/find combinations but with no sucess.
results desired row 1 =32; row 2 =19
Thank you again
Dan --
Thanks for the clearly stated specs.
I'll assume your sample to be in A1:H3.
In J1 enter: CR EQ AC [ the criterion ]
In J2 enter: =SUMPRODUCT((ISNUMBER(SEARCH($J$1,$A$1:$H$1)))*(A2:H2))
Copy down this as far as needed.
Aladin that worked increadibly well. I have been using cheats around this same problem for months adding vlookups together. Thank you very much for the excellent formula.