Using VLOOKUP function to search for a variable in multiple sheets - is this possible?

Posted by Per Rygh on August 02, 2001 12:54 PM

I'm trying to find a function that can search for a varialbe/text string through several sheets (20 sheets) and return a value TRUE if found in of the sheets.
I've tried to use the VLOOKUP function, but I can't get this to work for more than 1 sheet, i.e. can't search thorough several sheets at the same time.
Can anyone help me with a sort of formula to use here - if possible?

Posted by Cory on August 02, 2001 2:02 PM

If I could see the formula you're working with now, I could probably show you how to do it...


Posted by Per Rygh on August 06, 2001 6:19 AM


Thanks for reply,

The formula is =IF(VLOOKUP("VALUE(F82)",'Sheet1'!I3:M79,TRUE)="CC","X","1")
The function is placed in a "master" sheet and my intention is to search through several sheets (20) and insert an "X" if
the initial is found. The sheet is for personell tracking purposes.
I realize that my use of VLOOKUP is "wrong", but for my purposes it works fine.

Really hope someone have a function I could use for this...., if possible.
