Using SUM command with VLOOKUP ????

Posted by Johnny Mason on March 02, 2000 8:48 PM

I have a question concerning summing ranges. I understand that you can sum cells A1 through A14 by entering “=SUM(A1:A14)”. However, I am trying to sum several ranges and the values of those ranges are actually pulled in from another spreadsheet by way of VLOOKUP. I thought I could replace the “A1” and “A14” with the VLOOKUP commands but I can’t. I get a message that the formula just typed has an error in it. If I replace the “:” with “+” it will only sum the two VLOOKUP values. I know I can include the VLOOKUP command for each cell - however if I am trying to add up 50 cells my formula would be very long. Are there any changes I can make to the below formula to make it work? Is there another way to do this?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Posted by Mark on March 03, 2000 8:52 AM


You need a comma:
or you can just add rather than use SUM function
