today function

Posted by germain graham on October 01, 2001 6:19 AM

i am trying to track when a user enters information in a cell. when using the today function it calculates all of the dates to whatever the current date is. i want to be able to display the current date the user is entering date and retain that date as opposed to having the same current date the today and now function produces.

Posted by Ian Mac on October 01, 2001 7:28 AM

You could try sharing the workbook and tracking the changes, I personally don't like sharing the books as it severely limits the changes you can make, protection, macro's etc.

Ian Mac

Posted by Travis Harr on October 03, 2001 8:06 PM


Put this formula wherever you want to track the info and format it however you want it to be displayed. You can track down to the second if you want =IF(A1=A1,NOW())
Now, whenever cell A1 is changed this formula will be updated resulting in the date/time A1 was changed.