An alternate to what you asked for
If this is anything like my state tas, you may want to just write a formula that has more than 1 IF/THEN statements. As an example, lets say the tax was:
5% of the first 10K, 6% of the next 10K, and 7% of the rest. The following would work:
=if(A1>10000,500,A1*0.05) + if(A1>10000,if(A1>20000,600,(A1-10000)*.06),0) + if(A1>20000,(A1-20000)*.07,0)
I maybe going in the wrong direction here. Would a nested If statement work?
=IF(C1 < 2650, B1, IF(C1 < 28700, B2, IF(C1 < 62200, B3, IF(C1 < 138400, B4, IF(C1 < 299000, B5, B6)))))
In Addition you could substitute the B cell references with the actual Taxation formula.
Re: An alternate to what you asked for
Thanks heaps guys both formulas work, I was on the vlookup trail purely cause ive seen done that before, thanks again
I think I know where your going, but it's usually easier when you can add examples when you post your question...
Let's say you have in column A:
And in B:
So that if you make less than 25000, you are taxed 0%. If you make 27,000 then 2,000 is taxed at 15% and 25000 is at 0%. And so on...Is that what you mean? If so, try this alternative:
In cell c1 type this formula:
Copy this formula down from C1 to C5.
in cell C6 use the shortened formula:
In Cell D1, type in whatever income $ amount you are looking at.
In Cell E1, use this formula to calculate tax amount:
You can hide column C if you want to.
I'm sure there's more than one way to solve this, including using some sort of vlookup function, but I'm betting either way you are going to need a separate column to break down the income level in to those different tax brackets. Otherwise a VBA macro would also do the trick nicely. I'm heading off to bed now. If you still need help you can email me.
An advantage to my solution is that your tax tables are not hard coded in to your formula, so that if you ever need to change your income level and taxation levels, you just do so in A1:B6 and you shouldn't have to worry about rewriting your formulas.
Thanks Dan this seems the best way so far... i tried using the if statements but it went on for ages.