Syntax problem
Posted by jean-michel verheugen on May 04, 2001 1:28 AM
In a cell, I have the following formula
I write the string TEST in the cell D4 (TEST is the name of a worksheet)
In the above formula, I would like to specify the coordonates of the cell containing TEST instead of the string itself
I've try the followings
=COUNTIF(D4!$C$1:$C$400;"<5") he asks me for a D4 file
=COUNTIF('D4'!$C$1:$C$400;"<5") he asks me for a D4 file
=COUNTIF(+D4!$C$1:$C$400;"<5") Error
=COUNTIF((+D4)!$C$1:$C$400;"<5") Error
What 's the exact syntax ?
thank for your help