Tom --
What is in L6:L187 and what is in G6:G187?
G6:G187 appears to house times like 1:00:00. Right?
Criteria2 appears to be a time like 1:00. What is criteria1?
My guess is that, when you put criteria1 in say A1 and criteria in A2,
should simply work.
=SUMPRODUCT((L6:L187="criteria1")*(G6:G187="1:00 P"+0))
The Sumproduct should recognize the cell value (1:00Pm would be .0416666666666667) Check it against this number.
0.0416666666666667 in 1:00 AM! (nt)
That did the trick. Thanks!
Re: 0.0416666666666667 in 1:00 AM! (nt)
Isn't this what I put? Or am I going blind with all the 6's. :)
Tom wanted 1:00 PM or 0.5+0.0416666666666667 (nt)
I see now!! -blame it on old age- Thanks Mark (nt)
This also demonstrates the advantages...
...of using a date literal (e.g. "1:00 P") as a
constant in a formula (and then coercing it into
a numeric values by adding zero... "1:00 P"+0).
This approach is much more readable than...
0.0416666666666667 or .5416666666666667