you could add a 3rd column and use =text(a1,"mmmm") and copy down then hide it, then you could use sumif on that column.
i'll se if can come up with something better, but is any help
If I understood the question right, you have a case of multiconditional sum. SUMIF is only good for a single condition.
Lets say that you have 2 criterion dates C1 and C2. Use the following array-formula
=SUM((A1:A20)>=C1)*((A1:A20 )<=C2))*(B1:B20))
where C1 < C2, dates are in A1:A20, and the values to sum in B1:B20.
In case you need it, in order to array-enter a formula, you have to hit CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER at the same time (not just enter).
loren -
that's exactly what i was looking for - i converted days to months and used sumif.