Posted by Mo on May 16, 2001 1:01 PM
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question, I just thought since excel is a popular programme for business analysts, someone might know.
My question basically is that I have a column consisting of money. This is a column derived from multiplying the amount of goods(shares) by price.
We sometimes recieve enquiries about particular trades. I am tring to deduce if there is any correlation between their enquiries and the size of the trade. I have decided to use the money column as my prime variable.
I was thinking of using averages of size of trade, but there are big differences in the trades that averages might be misleading. Is there a better way to do this in excel by using different techniques apart from averaging.
Before you all clever people tell me I'm trying to perfom voodoo by picking just one variable, as to deduce a relationship I will need to correlate that info with alot of other variables, all I have to say is you have a point. However I'm only trying to do something simple, I'm not an analyst.