If A1 contains the original information:
A1= as25(nec20)
B1= =FIND("(",A1)
C1= =LEFT(A1,B1-1)
D1= =FIND(")",A1)
E1= =MID(A1,B1+1,(D1-B1)-1)
F1= =C1& " " &E1
F1 will give you the format the way you want it. You can then hide cols ABCD&E.
I'm sure there's a better way to do this but this works.
You could also use find and replace. Find "(" and replace with a space. Find ")" and replace with nothing.
by formula you could use
=LEFT(A1,FIND("(",A1)-1)&" "&MID(A1,FIND("(",A1)+1,LEN(A1)-FIND("(",A1)-1)
assuming your needing for cell a1.
good luck
Here's another formula to split
If your original data is in a1, then in b1 type
In c1 type
if the text between parentheses is always 5 characters
if the length of text between parentheses varies, try typing the following into c1
Lots of ways to do this, hope this one helped