Sort rows when total equal
Posted by Sandy on August 29, 2001 2:39 AM
I have a spreadsheet, in essence a league table.
Col 1 has 42 golfers names, each can earn points by being placed in the top 6 of each competition. (6 points for 1st, 1 point for 6th) Therefore there are 42 rows.
At present there are 20 columns and a totals column in descending order. At present I sort the data on the totals column obviously with the highest number of points total at the top.
My problems is that a number of players have equal points and I want a formula that will sort those with equal points in descending order depending on the placing a competitor has gained
By that I mean that if a number of competitors have an equal total score they should be placed in order of the greater number of higher placing they have, i.e. player 1 has 6,0,4,3,0,0,3,3, player 2 has 0,6,0,4,4,3,5,0. Therefore the player with the second placing of 5 points (player 2 in this case) he should take precedence over player 1.
Hopefully this might help Eric and IML who helped earlier thanks to you both